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Lake of Bays approves request for a Trauma Support Dog for the Fire Department
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Lake of Bays approves request for a Trauma Support Dog for the Fire Department

Posted: 2024-03-12 13:44:42 By: thebay

Lake of Bays Council approved the request for a Trauma Support Dog for the fire department, in the March 12, 2024, meeting.

Fire Chief, Gary Monahan, advised Council that the department is requesting their approval to enter into an agreement with a handler to have the dog as a support for tragic incidents.

He said the department has an opportunity to receive a dog for free.

He advised that the goal for the support dog is to provide support for the health and wellness of department firefighters and staff who are exposed to traumatic situations.

His report indicates that the department currently has support systems in place that include a Peer Support Team, Chaplains, and the Employee Assistance Program. However, given the increase in incidents they face, it is equally important to have the support needed to cope.

Staff research on Trauma Support Dogs indicates they are trained to provide emotional support and comfort to people experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, and trauma.

Other benefits include “increased morale, mood enhancement, and impaired coping mechanisms, promoting healing and recovery,” indicates the report.

The report adds, “Expanding support options for our firefighters and staff may assist with retention and may decrease possible WSIB claims to the Town.”

It continues that annual care and maintenance expenses for the dog are estimated at $4,000, which will be divided between Lake of Bays and Huntsville.

Councillor, Nancy Tapley, indicated that she has an emotional support dog, and inquired about where the department’s dog will reside.

Monahan advised that the Administrative Co-ordinator will be the primary handler and that the dog will likely stay with her.

The department will approach Huntsville Council for their approval next week.